The Way Our Youngest Looks Out The Window - original
$ 615.00 USD
An original acrylic with walnut frame by contemporary artist Colby Sanford
- 8" painting
- shipping cost not included in the price and will be billed separately
"Let me rememberThe way our youngestLooks out the windowWide eyed, unhinged &At the peak ofCuriosityAs if each featherof every House FinchOr Cow Bird or Eurasian DoveWere the reason she cameTo this earthLet me rememberThe way our oldestLooks out the windowWide-eyed, Unhinged &At the peak ofConcentrationAs if gripping tightTo her red bike’sBrown leather handle barsWere the reason she cameTo this earthLet me rememberThat there are worldsOf differenceBetweena four year oldAnd a four month oldAnd let me rememberThat there isNo difference at all"